Interface ProcessInjectionTarget<X>

Type Parameters:
X - The managed bean class, session bean class or Java EE component class supporting injection

public interface ProcessInjectionTarget<X>

The container fires an event of this type for every Java EE component class supporting injection that may be instantiated by the container at runtime, including every managed bean declared using jakarta.annotation.ManagedBean, EJB session or message-driven bean, enabled bean, enabled interceptor or enabled decorator.

Any observer of this event is permitted to wrap and/or replace the InjectionTarget. The container must use the final value of this property, after all observers have been called, whenever it performs injection upon the managed bean, session bean or other Java EE component class supporting injection.

For example, this observer decorates the InjectionTarget for all servlets.

 public <T extends Servlet> void decorateServlet(@Observes ProcessInjectionTarget<T> pit) {

If any observer method of a ProcessInjectionTarget event throws an exception, the exception is treated as a definition error by the container.

CDI Lite implementations are not required to provide support for Portable Extensions.

David Allen
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getAnnotatedType

      AnnotatedType<X> getAnnotatedType()
      Returns the AnnotatedType representing the managed bean class, session bean class or other Java EE component class supporting injection.
      the AnnotatedType of the bean with an injection target
      IllegalStateException - if called outside of the observer method invocation
    • getInjectionTarget

      InjectionTarget<X> getInjectionTarget()
      Returns the InjectionTarget object that will be used by the container to perform injection.
      the InjectionTarget object which performs the injection
      IllegalStateException - if called outside of the observer method invocation
    • setInjectionTarget

      void setInjectionTarget(InjectionTarget<X> injectionTarget)
      Replaces the InjectionTarget which performs injection for this target.
      injectionTarget - The new InjectionTarget to use
      IllegalStateException - if called outside of the observer method invocation
    • addDefinitionError

      void addDefinitionError(Throwable t)
      Registers a definition error with the container, causing the container to abort deployment after bean discovery is complete.
      t - A Throwable representing the definition error
      IllegalStateException - if called outside of the observer method invocation